Instagram mamica Tova Leigh razkrila ozadje popolnih viralnih fotografij

27. 7. 2017
Instagram mamica Tova Leigh razkrila ozadje popolnih viralnih fotografij (foto: profimedia)

Na Instagramu zelo priljubljena mamica Tova Leigh s svojimi oboževalci rada deli smešne tegobe, s katerimi se sooča med vzgojo svojih treh hčerkic. Pred kratkim pa je blogerka iz Anglije objavila prispevek z močnim sporočilom.

Maja je na Instagramu delila »popoln selfie« in pod fotografijo prejela številne komplimente, všečke in komentarje o tem, kako seksi je videti. Zaradi zares številnih pozitivnih odzivov si je isto fotografijo nastavila tudi za profilno sliko na Facebooku.

A je Tova kasneje objavo fotografije obžalovala, saj po njenem mnenju zaradi uporabe filtrov in raznih popravkov ni odsevala resničnosti.Teden kasneje je svojim sledilcem na Instagramu namenila naslednje sporočilo: 

Last week I shared the "perfect" selfie on Instagram (see small image on the bottom left). It got a whole lot of "likes", friends told me I was sexy and I even made it my new profile picture on Facebook. Today I am sharing the 'behind the scenes' of that image. How I actually looked when it was taken, without 20 attempts to get it right, without cropping out the bits I don't like and without adding the 'make me look pretty' filter. You see, over in the weekend I read an article about how more and more people are feeling deprest and insecure because of all the images of "perfect" looking people on social media, which they perceive to be real. Well let me tell you something: THIS IS REAL. In all my mum tum, cellulitis, granny pants and absolutely zero thigh gap glory! Not the perfect sexy body by some dictated standard, but imperfectly fabulous because it is real and it is mine. So next time you see a "perfect" image on IG or FB that makes you feel bad remember this: Social media is full of shit. You are beautiful just the way you are. And there is nothing sexier than being real. Tova ♡♡♡ #KeepingItReal #women #fuckbodygoals #BodyImage #moms #mums #motherhood #MomLife #parenting #parents #reallife

A post shared by Tova Leigh (@tova_leigh) on May 29, 2017 at 4:20am PDT

  • »Danes z vami delim ozadje nastanka fotografije, pod katero sem prejšnji teden prejela tako veliko všečkov. Med tem ko sem se fotografirala, sem bila videti tako. Za ta posnetek nisem potrebovala 20 poskusov, da sem končno ujela pravi trenutek, nisem enostavno odrezala delov fotografije, ki mi niso bili všeč in niti nisem uporabila filtrov, ki bi me naredili popolno. Med vikendom sem prebrala članek o tem, da je vedno več ljudi depresivnih in negotovih zaradi vseh podob »popolnih« ljudi na družbenih omrežjih. Naj vam nekaj povem: TO JE RESNIČNOST! Jaz s poporodnim trebuščkom, celulitom, v babičinem spodnjem perilu in brez trendovskega razmika med stegni. Moje telo je torej daleč od narekovanih standardov, ampak tudi, če je nepopolno, je čudovito – ker je resnično in ker je moje. Ko naslednjič na Instagramu ali Facebooku vidite popolno fotografijo, zaradi katere se slabo počutite, se spomnite: Družbeni mediji so polni »sranja«. Čudoviti ste takšni, kot ste. In nič ni bolj seksi, kot da ste resnični.«

Fotografija je zbrala več kot 37 000 všečkov in ženske iz celega sveta so se ji zahvaljevale za iskrenost. Zaskrbljujoča tematika o popolni telesni podobi je Tovo tako navdihnila, da je ustvarila kolekcijo majic z #Real is Sexy napisi.

A month ago I uploaded a picture of myself in granny pants on Instagram for the whole world to see. As you know, a few days earlier I read an article about how "perfect" images on social media are causing people (and especially teenagers) to feel insecure about themselves, and after posting a "perfect" selfie of myself (which was cropped and manipulated) a few days prior, I felt like I had to reveal the truth. What you don't know is that while I was standing there with my ass out, showing off my mom tum, cellulite, and zero thigh gap, the one thing that kept me going and made me press 'publish' when it was done, were my three little girls. You see, we put so much afford into teaching our children to love themselves, just the way they are. We tell them they are beautiful no matter what, that looks don't matter and that it's what's on the inside that really counts. All these amazing messages, but the truth is, we kind of don't believe in them ourselves. As I stood there, on that Sunday morning, literally cringing at the thought of this image being shared all over social media, it suddenly hit me that if they SEE IT IN ME - I won't even have to say it. Now, I won't lie to you - it has taken me YEARS to accept my body and love it just the way it is, and I am so happy to say that yesterday, I posted a picture of myself standing side by side to Queen Bey herself, and I couldn't have felt more fabulous if I fucking tried. As I chased the twins around the garden trying to get them to pose for the damn picture, while half naked with a wine glass in my hair, I felt so free and delighted that they are witnessing me in my full spectacular, happy, flabby glory! You see, beauty comes in different shapes and sizes, and while we may not all look "perfect" according to some dictated standard, we are most beautiful when we are being REAL. Tova x The #RealIsSexy collection is now available on ♡ #motherhood #parenting #parents #reallife #family #love #RealIsSexy #Moms #mums #BodyImage #bodyshaming #fuckbodygoals #Women #MomLife #summer #kids #bouncingback #selfie #socialmedia

A post shared by Tova Leigh (@tova_leigh) on Jul 18, 2017 at 3:10am PDT