Vojvodinja Meghan in princ Harry sta se izprsila za poročno darilo Idrisu Elbi

29. 4. 2019
Vojvodinja Meghan in princ Harry sta se izprsila za poročno darilo Idrisu Elbi

Britanski igralec Idris Elba se je poročil z igralko in manekenko Sabrino Dhowre. Vzela sta se v Maroku, poročno slavje pa je trajalo kar tri dni.

Povabljena sta bila tudi vojvodinja Meghan Markle in princ Harry, a se zaradi skorajšnjega prihoda njunega prvega otroka na svet nista udeležila poroke, poroča Daily Mail.

Kljub temu pa sta mladoporočencema namenila lepo darilo - poklonila sta jima sliko bratov Franklyna in Brendana Connorja, ki prikazuje naslovnico knjige, na kateri je ženska in napis: "Zakaj se vklopiti, če si rojen zato, da izstopaš?" Slika je vredna 7.000 funtov.

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NEW PRINT RELEASE TODAY - Following our visit from amazing nine year old artist Belle Curran last week we have just released this image as a print. Belle suffers from interstitial lung disease. and needs a lung transplant. She is raising awareness about organ donation, and funds for the various charities that have helped her. The print is from a limited edition of 12, and all of the proceeds will be going to the charities that have supported Belle. The quote we have chosen comes from the children's author Dr Seuss. We would be grateful for anyone who follows the link in our bio, and makes a donation. The print is available now through our website. please note that the prints will take up to 21 days for delivery

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