Meghan Markle pet mesecev po porodu že osupljivo vitka

2. 10. 2019
Meghan Markle pet mesecev po porodu že osupljivo vitka (foto: Profimedia)

Vojvodinja Meghan Markle, ki je maja prvič okusila čare materinstva, je pet mesecev po porodu znova prelestno vitka. 

Meghan Markle je bila pred porodom v zares izjemni formi, njeno prelestno postavo pa so si želele številne predstavnice nežnejšega spola po vsem svetu. Pet mesecev po porodu pa je lepa vojvodinja na turneji po Afriki znova pokazala izjemno postavo in kar težko je verjeti, da ji je uspelo v tako hitrem času znova izklesati svoje telo.

Njene noge tako še naprej ostajajo manekensko vitke, njen pas pa je znova takšen kot smo ga bili pri lepi vojvodinji vajeni pred nosečnostjo.

Meghan je bila v bež obleki brez rokavov videti osupljivo lepa, delovala je izjemno spočito in sveže in prav težko je bilo verjeti, da ima doma petmesečnega sina, ki jo zbuja cele noči in ji krati spanec. Meghan je za razliko od Kate Middleton že hitro po porodu začela opravljati kraljeve obveznosti, prav tako pa je bila izjemno aktivna tudi v času nosečnosti, ko sta se s princem Harryjem odpravila na turnejo po Avstraliji, kjer je vojvodinja sploh prvič javnosti pokazala svoj rastoči trebušček.

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This morning, The Duchess of Sussex went back to college!  Joining students and educators at The University of Johannesburg The Duchess was able to announce a new series of gender grants from the Association of Commonwealth Universities, of which she is patron. She was also able to announce four new scholarships to help students study in different commonwealth countries, allowing cross cultural understanding and an opportunity to deepen their educational studies abroad. One of the recipients of these grants shared his story of growing up on farmland in Kenya, where he paid for his education trading vegetables to cover schooling costs (cauliflower leaves to be exact!) He is now doing a research study on carcinogens in his country, its link to cancer - his work is helping to change practices and to save lives. The Duchess was so moved by the work being done across the education sector and to talk with such like-minded thinkers about the importance of access to education and the support needed internally. When the round table discussion this morning moved to the challenges faced in this sector and how daunting it can all seem, The Duchess said, “Sometimes access to education can seem so big, you wonder where to even begin? So you begin with one student, or one school, you simply begin. And that’s when we see change.” She continued by referencing a Martin Luther King Jr quote: “Take the first step... you don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” Since the ACU Gender Grants were launch in 2016, 28 universities in 17 countries have benefited with a minimum of 600 beneficiaries participating in workshops supported by the grants. #RoyalVisitSouthAfrica Photo ©️ PA images

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