Igralko Liso Sheridan iz CSI-ja našli mrtvo v njenem stanovanju

28. 2. 2019
Igralko Liso Sheridan iz CSI-ja našli mrtvo v njenem stanovanju (foto: Profimedia)

44-letno igralko Liso Sheridan so našli mrtvo v njenem stanovanju v New Orleansu, poročajo tuji mediji, ki še ne poročajo o vzrokih smrti.

Novico o njeni smrti je potrdil njen menadžer Mitch Clem. "Vsi smo jo imeli zelo radi. Žalostni smo. To je velika izguba. Umrla je v ponedeljek zjutraj, na svojem domu v New Orleansu. Čakamo poročilo mrliškega oglednika o vzroku smrti," je dejal,

Lisa je igrala v tudi pri nas priljubljeni seriji CSI ter v Mentalistu, pa tudi v desetih filmih. Od nje se je poslovil tudi režiser Michael Dunway, ki ji je namenil zapis na svojem Instagram profilu.

"Moja sorodna duša je v zadnjih nekaj letih doživela težke trenutke, zdaj pa me delno tolaži spoznanje, da so boj, bolečina in žalost končno za njo ...", je med drugim zapisal režiser.

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She called me Big Brother, and for all intents and purposes I was. I met Lisa when she was fourteen years old, over thirty years ago. We were immediately attached at the hip, true soulmates from minute one. For the rest of the days of her life, she was a central part of mine. She was beautiful, obviously, and an immensely talented actor, and a wonderful friend, but more than anything she really did radiate this impossibly bright energy and life. Even in her dark moments. And she had plenty of those, especially over the last few years. During these later years she took to telling me, "You're the greatest big brother a girl could ever have." It was how we ended each conversation. I treasured it then, and I treasure it even more now knowing I'll never hear it again, this side of the river. So good night, my sweet little sister. No one will ever again be to me what you were, and are. I'm trying to take comfort in knowing your struggles and pain and grief are "at last, and last behind you." I love you with all my heart, yesterday, today, and forever. Sorry that I can't write more; it's just still too painful.

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